суббота, 27 октября 2007 г.

Stock without lock and two smoking barrels

From time to time, the ghost questionnaire waves through the network and countless heads are beulengezeichnet because they made unannounced little sticks were thrown. Such met me now with delicate balancing out of the hands of Mrs. Frank and Dudu. A little, it is like painting by numbers or by filling out personality tests in relevant journals. Nevertheless: During the breakfast, I krümelnderweise up, the questions to be answered ...

Four jobs, which I had previously:

* Stockwirbler behind the drum skins, the world mean.
* Illustrator a "learn counting" book
* Plaka color in the glass counter in a store inventory
* Caliph instead of the caliph (just for example)

Four films, which I also look after zigfachem still love:

* Pappa ante portas (Loriot)
* Store Clerks - The guardian (Kevin Smith)
* Big Lebowski (Coen-Brüder)
* Night on earth (Jim Jarmusch)

Four recently read novels, which I have fallen:

* Toni Morrison-Jazz
* Jon McGregor-After the Rain
* Gustave Flaubert - Bouvard and Pécuchet
* Magnus Mills-To King

Four places where I have lived:

* In Leer, a small town ostfriesischen
Born in Muenster, the metropolis of Münsterland
Born in Barcelona, the much metropolischeren capital of Catalonia
Born in Mainz, the incredibly pink homeland public broadcasters

Four television, which I like in front of the screen fläze:

* Harald Schmidt (ARD)
* Simpsons (Pro 7)
* DENKmal (3sat)
* Dittsche

Four places where I was on holiday rumgetrieben:

* Dublin
* Rome
* Minsk
* Gunzenhausen

Four of my favorite dishes:

* Champignoncrčmesuppe
* Lasagne
* Cheese tortellini with cream sauce
* Pannacotta with fresh strawberries

Four Internet sites to which I often verirre:

Disk tests online
Not Funny

Four places where at the moment at least, I would like to be like this:

* Grog with a Monkey on Iceland
* In the night life in Barcelona Ravals
* With Gaukeley Gundel in a gondola at the Venetian lagoon
* In bed

A whole bunch of writers, the questionnaire already bent. As the chain letter etiquette apparently requires four more now to fill invite, I knock care with no single case, Pe, Rulla and grandfather. Otherwise might take, who likes.

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