среда, 24 октября 2007 г.

Sir, if the Vikings proud enemies wear helmets

We stuck in a dilemma, then, seven years ago. Jan and me. Both were we in the central pillar of Bass Ubbo-Emmius-Chores Leer. Well, in the Advent season, there were two great performances by J.S. Bach's "Christmas Oratorio." One of them in the Great kerzenerleuchteten Reformed Church in Leer, the other in the community, where the conductor of the orchestra of the Folkwang Essen University as organist worked in Gelsenkirchen. Actually, we have a duty. Bach prove the honor, loyalty testify to the choir, even if we as a singer, but we gave the audience something, or 15 DM should pay for the round-trip transportation. Mürbelnd light on these crooked, we fell into a dilemma. Because on the same evening of Gelsenkirchen-concert was also the "Hard Bagaluten leg" of peat Rock in Aurich. Wikingischer nonsense from peat bog or Holm hocherwürdiges cultural heritage from Leipzig?

Heimlich we decided to brook the honor, but only the voice and Leeraner concert on the eve on eisglatte streets after Aurich to slither, where pneumatic hammer B-B-B-Bernhard "hello" to say with peat Stecher Adula Zech with the road roller by peat bog Holm to rattle, full Granaade Renaade Rollo with the Vikings on board, Methumpen to raise and the High Baroque art genius pranks and counterpoint a festive evening in the background would make sense. The audience burst of buschbärtigen Zauselbärten, Viking helmets, the most common head covering. Everything bawled, many laughed, beer cups were thrown, the mood cooked, the massive body sweated under their Lederkutten.


In winter coats wrapped felt rushed the audience about the icy cobblestones in the festively lit church. Neat young people in formal suits scurried into the community house. The evening performance of the large Christmas in Leer. Shortly before the concert begins, I met Mr. E., the teacher of my music performance course. In the belief that I was in the church at Gelsenkirchen Advent Christmas Oratorio performance been ignorant about my torfrockenden Geheim-Exkurs, he asked me:

"What is wrong because the concert, yesterday? If everything went well? "

"Oh, it was great. The ruler of heaven had heard the phase. In the audience were almost all Viking helmets, were thrown Bierbechern, mitgegrölt and sung, Methumpen lifted. It has unbelievably after schalem sweat and alcohol haze stunk, but it was otherwise great. "

He turned pale, scented betrayal of baroque grand, maybe durchgeisterten riots Schalke fans in a Christmas church decorated his head cinemas, Rabauken the actual choir with kehligem override rowdiness and desecrate the holy work.

"They have now even before nix more respect these Asis!"

"Well ..." I could still rise, then plunged I continued to my laughing fit in front of his face to hide. Clarified I changed it to him until today.

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