среда, 24 октября 2007 г.

Kölle, we come (Part I)

And indeed!
Geglaubt we have not.
But we are prepared.
Even if we have forgotten just four times, the Mixtape time for the jam showcase of the shaft to bounce.

Abandoned electricity pylons, hundreds of thousands of jitter in the nighttime darkness of Munster country without electricity, heating and hot water. We had only itself from the news of them. It was also Muenster in over 30 centimeters eisigweißer Glitzerpracht rapt, the heating system is down, but only in the student dormitory evil camp road. The cars sneaked slither at a snail's pace on the slippery roads, the regional trains raised the white flag, and the buses were on Friday evening to the spirit. Wild stranger pfefferten people are snickering lockerflockige balls around the ears. In the middle of the night suddenly bappten edelweiss S (chn) eepferdchen to lantern poles, a großbusige, globular Snow Queen mice was enthroned in the castle garden. A rabbits nibbled, shivering from cold, on the carrot dropped a rotting snowman.

Almost a madness in such weather to the "Visions Anniversary Festival" to go to Cologne, right? The question drills, but the musical passion prevail. Finally, we have tickets. The money can be forfeited, the concerts miss? Nix there. Especially: Well, on Sunday, it seems half the wild. Call in Cologne: "Noo, everything here is free." Look out the window: excellent roads passable. So we drive. A small, Turquoise Polo without Wumms under the hood but with winter tires makes on the way.

And indeed!
Geglaubt we have not.
But we are prepared.
Even if we have forgotten just four times, the Mixtape time for the jam showcase of the shaft to bounce.

On the radio Dumplings freezing Munster countries Ochtrup moppern and opportunistic on the prime minister the power not to turn back, but suddenly with big gestures in their Winzstadt emerges, in which he otherwise would never driven. No electricity, nothing warm, clattering generators, pea soup in gyms, tuckernde THW-Diesel with Megafonen on the roof, in order to inform the public. But now all move closer together. Now at last the dam show. Several kilometers Schneegestöberstau thanks chaotic weather in Wuppertal, which we are slowly approaching. Corbin nonsense! This is nothing! And only then, as far as it is not more!

And indeed!
Geglaubt we have not.
But we are prepared.
Even if we have forgotten just four times, the Mixtape time for the jam showcase of the shaft to bounce.

Suddenly flockt it. Always wild. Ice storm gusts hurl smooth, icy masses down. The resting place for the rights sinks in white Aufgetürm. We überschlittern the next hill. As is already the dam. Rien ne va plus. Disembarking, snowball battle. If we are stuck, we have double socks, gloves, be the second sweater, woolen, charcoal, ne box wine, hot mint tea and sugar caramels. What can happen to us?

It matscht when changing lanes. The Tin wobbly snow avalanche in slow motion through the curve. We happen "Schloss castle." Again and again a Schmunzler worth. Jochen tickles Britta. Lieber is not too long. Finally she. Steffis Hanuta crumbs. Nervous glances at the clock. Yet 20 kilometers. Another hour until the concert begins. What are we here in the snow at Remscheid? Thus, the nix. Regardless, already. We take what comes. The crow, decemberists Mixtape. Then the armored Korso again faster. We will ride on, we come Koelle, and apparently is not even too late.

(Part II follows)

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