Mulled wine haze durchfuselt kaltklare the inner city from the late morning, drinking fraternity with dripping clouds, cinnamon scent, a hint of candied apples, honey, waxed wood, deer tallow albums, crispy pizza cheese, burnt almonds, green cabbage and sausage. In verknoteten swell the hordes sanguine Christmas carol singers with murky light chain view through the inner city, in front of the wooden balls huts, where they are in order and colorful significant quantities Rumkakao became premiere Prime Minster of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Hirsch cocoa, hot apple juice with Amaretto or tasteless canister mulled wine to pour down the throat .
It is important in large groups, the Christmas market winding streets to flood and any flow interruption, even if those who watch what wants to use for drinking. This is also recognizes again (at a later hour twice), it carries red hats or Plüschgeweihe Zipfel (reindeer antennas), in the case Optimal flashing, and soon recognize that others also thought it would be a lot easier to recover when you have no Mützenblinkgezipfel worn on the head would. Unknown fellow come near them, are with their bulky shopping bags to catch. Irmgard sneaks secretly by the Punschbude away. In their turns everything grad in the stomach. When they return to their group encountered a Stückchenpfütze sparkles in the form of the star of Bethlehem in the small alley. Nearly they would still have a braided basket stumbled. But while dodging collided with the cell phone. Even standing in the way of rum.
Wham! , Chris Rea, Bing Crosby and Roxette from various boxing verschwurbeln to numbers Bastard Pop. The cone Club "Goss's free" bawls punschbefeuert rich "Jingle bells." Hiltraud drips from the Reibekuchenschale applesauce on the suede shoes. "Verflixte ax!" , Brawls Rainer. With mittens let the mulled wine jars Henkel worse record than planned. Now shards lie at his feet. "Mifft. Haste times but who fagen kömm, daff daf for heif ifft. Iff got me the Ffunge verbrammp "mürbelt Ilse. She has her husband a red and white plush Tanga purchased. The Christmas Eve is to be inaugurated.
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