A few stragglers squeezing still in crowded shops, to the last but still handles
the appropriate gift to buy, as the boxer's fist on blue eye adapts. Many are packed travel bags, backpacks and packages stowed laced to settle in overloaded trains in the direction of home idyllic Christmas tree with fresh apples natural trading session. In a few days already balls at the lush bellies before lunch. Gift paper and clear film rustle among the pine needles, tension crackles, shivers of anticipation. Dad tried Dicki with the miniature nuclear power plant-kit, is the stuff neutron accelerator in the combustion chamber and cute astonished, as it
"Puff" and makes the cow falls. Opa
crows' earlier was more tinsel! " , Climbs through the mountains of paper and seeks an outlet for his new record player, while mom is on the hot Heinzelmann Saugblaser happy.
Also I will be soon on the way home, in ostfriesischen climes with the Christ child to drink a Christmas, the love relationship again in the eyes to look under flickering candles and chocolate to feed the feet up and gained dear old friends meet (and the obligatory Christmas Parties also a lot of people whose existence me since the last Christmas party again almost eliminated and no matter was comparatively).
I wish you all now, before I's empty no more timely basis, potential and give highly enjoyable Christmas day, whatever the individual plans, aspirations and traditions look. As I myself have graphically documented, is the Santa Claus on the way to recovery. Cold baths with spruce oil show surprising salutary effect. Perhaps it is up to Christmas Eve but was back up to the dam. The hope green.
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