понедельник, 22 октября 2007 г.

Suddenly child again

I was not in the bathroom, wore no surprises and I was - at least subconsciously - is already very clear that Lady Di is dead. I am also not a woman, and what I found was not unknown. After I spontaneously after empty Noldi am today to my father on his honorable adoption of the professional life to the side to stand yesterday, I have a little music. There is still a large drawer, in the years since a huge pile of old Klüngelkram from my childhood home set. My mother wants the drawer now like to use, so I changed the whole bunch yesterday auseinandergewühlt and am in a whirl of long forgotten memories ThyssenKrupp. Dozens of small thumb cinemas were as wildly scattered, which I in a primary school in mass produced. With exlodierenden ships UFO-Entführungen, bananas flanks with subsequent Fallrückziehern and Werner, "by his Horex hurled against a tree. Ancient stamps from the GDR, which my great aunt sent me earlier secretly. An Stoffmal-Eddings own football shirt, old, slightly zerknickte photos of me as a driver five years, kliteklitzekleine road construction workers still in the original package, which actually used to my mini-Trix railway landscape populate. Schnörkelkrakelige letter writing exercises and conversations between my mother and me from the kindergarten time, a rifle herzchenverzierte sheet metal with shiny marbles. My shirt designs, which I at the age of seven years at Puma in Herzogenaurach sent, which are in the executive floor but could not be enforced. Much more so. A treasure chest, which I took no card. A shimmering golden, nostalgic flood despite still saftig-jungen age. A touch of the fabulous world of Amélie.

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