воскресенье, 28 октября 2007 г.

Not very crisp

"Since you have the salad."

"I wanted but did not."

He curls the forehead to a confused Faltenknäuel.

"Salad is healthy. Nahrhaft, refreshing, fiber. "

Funkelndes toothpaste smile.

"Ballast. Since sagste was. Such salad, I wanted not. And do
not tell me that the salad here healthy. The tugs and ziept to
nerves. "

It grummelt.

"You are also demanding."

The tone is patziger.

"I had a funny idea got me pretty, red threads meditative,
verschmitzte punch set ..."

He sighs, stemmt the elbow on the table and the fists in the
aufgeplusterten baking.

"So rather cables?"

"Actually, no salad, but I like to be someone grad meat salad
verwursten would."

"Too salad verwursten without sausage?"

"Come to me not even stupid!"

A sonnenfinsterer view hisses at him.

"What's wrong?"

"As I said, I had a great text almost done. Wasweißich how
long I sat there. And shortly before the Road Chicken on the
"back" button, and everything came off. Since I have the salad,
all right. But that's for nobody well, robs me nervous and
vitamins, speeds up the heart rate, increased blood pressure. "


Word schreiben und dann rüberkopieren." "I
say 'yet: Texts always write in Word and
then rüberkopieren."

"When you say that? So far, you did not have said. "

"Is nonetheless."

"And now help is still not on. Wise sayings bring me the text
does not. "

"But you still have it in your head?"

"Yes, but no time everything down twice-and especially not in
the mood, the horse again completely from scratch aufzuzäumen
where I can still almost completely fixed."

"Impatient and irascible?"

"It's looks then."

The view is mistaken half wistful, half angry through space
and fragmented on the woodchip wallpaper.

"Well, sometimes I have to go. Not there's dinner. "

"Strammen Max? So, with fried eggs of chickens unhappy,
because they will soon only be allowed outside after the
winter, where it will nix the pecking? "

"Snow chicken fried eggs?"

"For example."

"Nee. No Strammen Max, in any case? "


"... Bread and butter bread ... ... salad."

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